Monday, 20 January 2014

Happy three months to Sienna!

Three months today! At the beginning the days (and more so the nights!) went by so slowly, but now the time is flying and I can't believe Sienna is already three months old.

Yesterday I found her rotated 180 degrees after a nap and just today she had rolled onto her side.. uh oh, this little lady is on the move... I'm not looking forward to having to put her to bed unswaddled because her arms are still totally out of control! She regularly hits herself in the face with her fist...

Here are some photos taken today to mark her 3 months. It was pretty exhausting being my subject, as you'll see from the sleeping shot at the end!

Happy three months Sienna, may the next three be just as much fun as the last.. but with more sleep please! xxx

And asleep....

Friday, 10 January 2014

2014 - 365 Photography Project

Two years ago, in 2012, I attempted to take a photo everyday for a year. I didn't make it to 365 images, in fact I'm not sure exactly how many I published - maybe somewhere in the region on 150? I hate to make excuses, but the monotony of working life in an office didn't make for very interesting photography most of the time.

Last year, in 2013, I didn't embark on a 365 project, but did take a series of images and date stamped them to mark the moment.

So, here we are at the start of 2014. I am on maternity leave, I have a new subject, and I probably need a 'project' to keep the brain ticking over. One which isn't too time consuming, but will tick the creativity box that I need to check. So, it all points to me doing a 365 for this year!

Now, I'm not sure I will definitely make it to 365 images - but I'm going to do my best. I plan to publish the images weekly (or periodically if weekly gets too much!) here on our blog and also on Facebook for those of you who I'm friends with there.

So, without further ado, here is Week 1 of the 2014 365 photography project to get things underway...

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Going Mobile

Sienna has just got a cot mobile, a gift from her great-grandmother, and we have been surprised at just how much she loves it! It plays the same tune that I think 90% of all mobiles play (at least the ones we sampled) and Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger perform a merry dance around in a circle. Sounds fairly monotonous, but not to Sienna - she smiles every time we wind it up!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Family time

Before the Woods departed we had to take some photos....

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Melbourne Botanical Gardens

Today we had a picnic lunch at the Botanical Gardens with the Woods... Jamie broke his sunglasses, and Rosie did a stellar job of chasing away the birds from our sarnies!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sienna at ten weeks

How can ten weeks have passed already? I still pinch myself when I realise we have this gorgeous girl in our lives! I've come to the conclusion that all time flies with a baby, apart from when they are crying, when it literally stands still.

Here are some facts I wanted to record at Sienna's ten week milestone..

- She has plenty of smiles and hands them out generously to anyone who engages with her.. we suspect a giggle is not far away

- She can blow little bubbles and loves to put her hands to her mouth and suck on them

- She has long legs and has already grown out of 0-3 month footed sleepsuits because of the leg length. She now wears 3-6 months for footed items but still fits in newborn clothes that don't have legs!

- The blonde eyelashes she was born with have been replaced with gorgeous long brown lashes just like her Daddy's

- She still has lots of blonde hair, which is a darker blonde by the nape of her neck

- We think her mouth and chin come from Tom's family, and her nose and ears from Katie's family. No conclusion yet on the eyes.. I will do a baby photo comparison post when I get time as the likenesses are uncanny in some images.

- Father Christmas visited Sienna as she has been a good girl most of the time!

- She can hold her head high during 'tummy time' and loves to topple over to the right hand side, so we have to watch her! It's not really rolling yet, more like falling!

- She has just outgrown her moses basket and transferred to the big cot, and also had a first few daytime naps unswaddled with a baby sleeping bag (although her arms are still a little out of control and tend to wake her up!)

- She is lucky to have several little friends (ie children of our friends!) who have been born within weeks of her both in the UK and here in Melbourne - baby Leo, baby Maggie and baby Lucy, with one more due any day now..

Here is Sienna May at ten weeks.....