Here's a few snapshots (mini camera, not big camera) from around and about in February...
We went to visit Daddy at work! It was all a bit overwhelming for one member of the family (Sienna, not Tom), but she went down a storm... especially with the receptionist who very kindly receives about 10 baby-related parcels a week due to my online shopping obsession. Sorry about that....
We hang out with my mother's group once a week - all the bubs are within a few weeks in age. Here are (clockwise from 1 o'clock) Harper, Felix, Sienna, Lachie and Tyler.
We fed the ducks for the first time! Here we are at Albert Park lake (click image for larger version). The seagulls were a bit aggressive so we didn't stay long, especially as Sienna was unprotected from their potential attacks in her new lightweight stroller! (I love our big pram but getting it in and out of my tiny car has become impractical for very short trips.)
Whilst in Albert Park we stopped to check out the preparations for the Melbourne Grand Prix. I wanted to park Sienna in pole position for a photo (thought Grandad would appreciate that) but the road was still open, so I couldn't! Here she is on the home straight and by the pits anyway...
Strictly speaking this was Jan but never mind... we had lunch with Amy and Adam, as well as visiting Val and Pete! Here is Val having a cuddle with Sienna in their coordinating floral dresses...
... and finally we have been swimming in the big pool! I've taken Sienna to MSAC (Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre) twice now, and here she is, pre-swim, in her fancy Nemo swim nappy. All the other girls have fancy swimming costumes and here she is half naked... cruel mummy!
That's it for now... February '365 project' images will follow shortly.. happy March everyone!