Friday, 11 December 2009

Thank you on this special anniversary!

Today, 11th December, is exactly one year since The Big Pink Ticket draw. This was a charity raffle organised by me and Tom, along with his sister Anna and our good friend Sally. Hundreds of you bought tickets, dozens of you sold them, and a few of you won a prize! With all of this help, we raised £9,000 for Cancer Research UK - a totally unexpected sum.

Just before we left for Australia, we were delighted to be recognised in the annual Cancer Reseach UK Flame of Hope awards. Obtaining a 'highly commended' certificate in the awards category for 'Oustanding Achievement'. I wanted to share this with you all - without whom we would never have raised so much money!

One year on, we'd like to thank you all for your generosity when supporting The Big Pink Ticket. We will continue to support Cancer Research UK, but promise not to ask you to hand over any more of your hard earned cash for a little while!

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